EHCP Force Edition supports the most recent LTS versions (and often older versions) of Ubuntu and Debian.
We recommend using a server edition version of Ubuntu or Debian for the best results. Minimal ISOs should work, but you may need to add extra sources to the apt package manager before everything will work as intended.
Ubuntu & Debian:
Make sure the EHCP installation code snippets (found in the Downloads section) are run using a valid sudo user (configured in the /etc/sudoers file). You can create a sudo account running the below commands (changing the username if you'd like):
sudo adduser ehcp
sudo usermod -aG sudo ehcp
Download & Install EHCP Force Edition (Stable)
To download and install the latest "stable" version of EHCP Force Edition, download our version 1.0 release by running the following commands from a terminal prompt:
wget -O "ehcpforce_stable_snapshot.tar.gz" -N
tar -zxvf "ehcpforce_stable_snapshot.tar.gz"
cd ehcp
sudo bash
This version can also be downloaded from our GitHub page.
It is recommended that you use an unattended install when prompted during installation for improved security, simplicity, and less configuration inputs that you could mess up on if you don't know what you're doing.
Update to the Latest EHCP Force Edition (Stable)
To update your existing EHCP Force Edition installation to the latest stable version, run this script in a terminal:
mkdir -p ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get -y install git
cd ~/Downloads
if [ -e "ehcp" ]; then
rm -rf "ehcp"
git clone "" "ehcp"
cd ehcp
cd ehcp
sudo bash "" "update"
Upgrade to EHCP Force Edition from Normal EHCP (Stable)
To upgrade your existing installation of the normal regular version of EHCP to the latest stable version of EHCP Force Edition, run this script in a terminal:
mkdir -p ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get -y install git
cd ~/Downloads
if [ -e "ehcp" ]; then
rm -rf "ehcp"
git clone "" "ehcp"
cd ehcp
cd ehcp
sudo bash "" "upgrade"
For Developers ONLY
Download & Install Latest Version of EHCP Force Edition (Developer Version)
To download and install a fresh copy of the latest development snapshot of EHCP Force Edition, run the below commands from a terminal prompt:
mkdir -p ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get -y install git
cd ~/Downloads
if [ -e "ehcp" ]; then
rm -rf "ehcp"
git clone "" "ehcp"
cd ehcp
cd ehcp
sudo bash
It is recommended that you use an unattended install when prompted during installation for improved security, simplicity, and less configuration inputs that you could mess up on if you don't know what you're doing.
Update to Latest Code (Developer Version)
To update your existing installation of EHCP Force Edition to the latest SVN development snapshot, run this script in a terminal:
mkdir -p ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get -y install git
cd ~/Downloads
if [ -e "ehcp" ]; then
rm -rf "ehcp"
git clone "" "ehcp"
cd ehcp
cd ehcp
sudo bash "" "update-svn"
Test EHCP Force Install (Developer Version)
Installing EHCP Force using the below commands is recommended only for QA Testers or Developers. Running the installer in this manner will skip checking for system updates and is the fastest way possible to install EHCP Force Edition. Default password in dev-mode for everything will be “1234”. Default login in dev-mode should be “admin” or “root” depending on the system being tested.
mkdir -p ~/Downloads
sudo apt-get -y install git screen
cd ~/Downloads
if [ -e "ehcp" ]; then
rm -rf "ehcp"
git clone "" "ehcp"
cd ehcp
cd ehcp
sudo screen -L bash -c "bash extra debug unattended devmode"
Update classapp.php to Latest SVN (Developer Version)
The commands below should only be used by a developer. It helps you get EHCP up-to-date more quickly when a bunch of changes go into the main logic housed in the classapp.php file.
mkdir -p ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
if [ -e "ehcp" ]; then
rm -rf "ehcp"
git clone "" "ehcp"
cd ehcp
cd ehcp
cp classapp.php /var/www/new/ehcp
service ehcp restart