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General / Re: Update Log
« Last post by earnolmartin on December 19, 2024, 01:13:45 pm »
Update released which adds Ubuntu 24.04 support.   ;D
General / Re: Update Log
« Last post by earnolmartin on August 30, 2024, 10:09:34 pm »
Update released mainly to point to our new url of
Bugs / Re: Letsencrypt cert bug
« Last post by earnolmartin on August 06, 2024, 12:37:07 pm »
I don't see any issues.  Did you configure your subdomains in the EHCP panel?  They have to be configured there.  Otherwise, it will not work.
Bugs / Re: Letsencrypt cert bug
« Last post by spicer on July 26, 2024, 10:48:59 am »
Here the newest letsencrypt logs
Bugs / Re: Letsencrypt cert bug
« Last post by spicer on July 25, 2024, 03:17:46 am »
Hmm, the log is attached in the first post ;)
Bugs / Re: Subdomain removing bug
« Last post by andy on July 24, 2024, 12:16:00 pm »
Thanks, this should be fixed in GitHub.  Please update your classapp.php file using the following method:

Is it fixed now?  It appears to be from my testing...

I also added the same checks for if there are no domains or passive domains.

Awesome, thank you! I'll give it a shot soon.

The presence of that empty folder doesn't hurt anything, so I'll just leave it there for now.

Yes I know, it's just if you're adding and removing a lot of subdomains it can get quite messy in there.
General / Re: Update Log
« Last post by earnolmartin on July 24, 2024, 11:06:08 am »
Update released.  See information in first post.

If bind9 service won't start, edit named.options.conf:

sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options


additional-from-cache no;

line and restart the service:

sudo service bind9 restart
Bugs / Re: Subdomain removing bug
« Last post by earnolmartin on June 20, 2024, 05:20:24 pm »

When you have only one subdomain left and remove it on the EHCP Force web panel, the following things aren't correctly processed:
- If you remove it manually, the webserver (in my case apache2) does not start anymore. This is because:
  -> The content for the last remaining subdomain, which was deleted, doesn't get removed from the ehcp apache2 config file in           /var/www/new/ehcp/apachehcp_subdomains.conf. This is not a problem, if you have several subdomains and you remove one, then the block gets removed correctly from this file.

Thanks, this should be fixed in GitHub.  Please update your classapp.php file using the following method:

Is it fixed now?  It appears to be from my testing...

I also added the same checks for if there are no domains or passive domains.

- The folder /var/www/vhosts/.../ doesn't get removed. Also the subdomain folder within this path is still there.

The presence of that empty folder doesn't hurt anything, so I'll just leave it there for now.
Bugs / Subdomain removing bug
« Last post by andy on June 17, 2024, 03:30:06 am »

When you have only one subdomain left and remove it on the EHCP Force web panel, the following things aren't correctly processed:
- The folder /var/www/vhosts/.../ doesn't get removed. Also the subdomain folder within this path is still there.
- If you remove it manually, the webserver (in my case apache2) does not start anymore. This is because:
  -> The content for the last remaining subdomain, which was deleted, doesn't get removed from the ehcp apache2 config file in           /var/www/new/ehcp/apachehcp_subdomains.conf. This is not a problem, if you have several subdomains and you remove one, then the block gets removed correctly from this file.
Bugs / Re: Letsencrypt cert bug
« Last post by earnolmartin on June 11, 2024, 10:40:56 pm »
I've just added my domain, enabled letsencrypt and then added a subdomain. It also does't work when removing and re-enable letsencrypt after I've added a subdomain. You can see the errors I get within the letsencrypt.log. I don't know how to solve this by myself. I've done all the DNS checks and so far everything seems perfectly fine.

Sorry it took me so long, but I setup a new test server and setup the DNS to resolve for a test domain (technically a subdomain) provided by  After adding my domain to the panel, I enabled Let's Encrypt.  That worked fine.  I then created a sub-domain on the sub-domain.  Upon loading the sub-domain, it too was now encrypted with a valid Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate.  If your DNS isn't resolving properly / the subdomain doesn't resolve to the same server IP that is making the request for the certificate, it will not work.  Usually, any errors are clearly written to the Let's Encrypt log file.  Please attach your Let's Encrypt log file that contains the errors.

It appears the panel is working properly / intended from the dedicated testing of this scenario I performed tonight... as long as everything is configured properly, of course.
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